Ah ha 1.
In that chapter it is suggested that our will-power can let us down because we don't accept that our will power is like a tank of gas. Will power can run out and need refilling. Budget it.
Ah ha 2.
It is not dependent on the strength of our character. Such as "if there is a will, there is a way" implying that if you can't find the way then you have a problem with your will. Character is not enough.
Ah ha 3.
Will power needs to be managed. We need to plan our lives and work around that. Those who planned for long term over short term gratification will tend to be more successful in reaching their goals. This is a managed use of "will power".
Ah ha 4.
Take care of your health and well-being so that you have a better chance to stick to your long-term goals. Those who are tired or not eating properly will fall for short-term, default gratifications.
Ah ha 5.
Time of day matters. Mornings are the best time for your will power to win as your energy levels are the highest. I think I knew this.
Ah ha 6.
Some of the things that wears down our will power:
- learning new things
- interuptions and distractions
- surpressing emotions
- tests
- trying to impress others
- doing things that we don't like
- selecting long-term over short-term gratification
It makes sense but I didn't realize how this can affect our will-power
Will power is not on-call. We can't bring it up when we want it. Accept how will-power works and plan your days around it and let it leverage you when it is most powerful.
By Daniela Schmidt